The workshop starts at 07:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

WHAT'S ABOUT WORKSHOP / whats going on there come and learn
The aims of this workshop are: to update and train the healthcare professionals about amendments done on the third version of Patient Safety Assessment Manual and enhance healthcare professionals’ skills on surveying the hospitals related to Patient Safety Assessment Manual.
WORKSHOP AGENDA / Agenda time is Cairo time (GMT+2)
The workshop starts at 09:00 AM Cairo Time (GMT+2)
The workshop starts at 11:00 AM Muscat Time (GMT+4)
The workshop starts at 12:00 PM Islamabad Time (GMT+5)
Opening remarks from the MOH Oman
Background of and expectations from the trainees (live session through Slido by Dr. Alaa Sayed)
Roles and Responsibilities of Surveyors
PSFHI Standards, 3 rd Edition - Differencenbetween 2 nd & 3 rd Edition
Familiarizing with Domain A, B & C Discussion
Exercise distribution for Breakout sessions. 5 groups of 8 participants. Facilitator for outside the workshop session to be arranged by MOH Oman.
Wrap up and key messages from day 01
Group exercise outside the workshop
Presentation from Groups on Domain A, B & C (30 mins for each Domain, 6 mins for each group)
1- Familiarizing with Domain D & E Discussion & 2- Exercises distribution for Breakout sessions. 5 groups of 8 participants. Facilitator for outside the workshop session (to be arranged by MOH Oman)
Essentials of Infection Prevention & Control practices at the facility level
Group exercise outside the workshop
Presentation from Groups on Domain D & E (30 mins for each Domain, 6 mins for each group)
Survey/Assessment Process
Introduction to tracers & PSFHI system-level tracers (Infection Prevention & Control, Medication Management and Patient & Community Engagement) - Discussion
Exercise distribution for Breakout sessions. 5 groups of 8 participants. Facilitator for outside the workshop session to be arranged by MOH Oman.
Fundamentals of Medication Safety Practices at the facility level
Patient and Family Engagement for safer care: Insights from the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI)
Presentation from Groups on 3 system tracers (30 mins for each Tracer)
Overview of Patient Safety Friendly Hospital Initiative
Debrief, Scoring, Report writing & Action Plan
Data Collection & Analysis and report writing
Implementation of PSFHI in Oman: success factors, challenges, and future steps followed by a discussion with the audience
Self-assessment by Hospitals
Assessor skills – communication, interview & documentation review
Workshop Evaluation & Closing (Dr. Alaa Sayed - Dr. Qamra Al-Sariri - Dr. Mondher LETAIF)
EVENT SPEAKERS / meet with greaters
EVENT FAQS / find your answers
Click on any registration button and fill the form, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link for attendance, just click the link and you will be in.
Be sure that you entered your correct email; after verification, search in your junk or spam mail.
No, you have to register only one time and the link you will receive is valid through the whole workshop (click it every day to attend )
This workshop is assigned to specifically targeted attendees, so before registration be sure that you are involved, otherwise you will not be able to attend even you have registered.
Check your connections. Know that your attendance link is unique for you, it is only for one attendant so, please do not share it with others.
In case you need help or more information, please do not hesitate to contact or WhatsApp: +968 99802177 Ms. Samra / +968 96055687 Ms. Asma